Unity park is a great park to play at, with dirt infields and new grass we are lucky to have such a great surface to play on. It is up to all of us as coaches to maintain the dugouts, dirt and grass.
Dugouts - after each practice please ensure all trash is emptied from the dugout and put in the trash can. Please ensure all maintenance equipment is in its proper place, rakes hung up, drag mats fully flat or hung properly on racks, etc. a clean dugout is a safe dugout.
Practice and game play - ensure bases are inserted at the proper base distance and all base plugs are put in the dugout so they can be reinstalled once bases are pulled.
After Practice and game play - Rake all dirt away from the grass and to the interior of the mound, infield, baselines and home plate area. Once all dirt is raked away from grass and fairly level, then pull the cocoa mat or drag mat across all dirt surfaces to ensure a level dirt surface.
Below are links to short videos with more detailed instruction on how to help keep Unity park fields in great shape.
HVABSA Field Maintenance Videos and Pics